Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Service, missed books, and weeds!

So today was Christian service day at my school. I figured something like that would trigger an excellent blog entry on my part. Hmph, guess not.

Anyway, my whole class of '13 went to a local camp, the same one I've attended the past six summers, to clean up and do some general volunteer work. From there, we split up by homeroom and into smaller groups as each task needed. There really aren't that many people in my homeroom I'm fond of; maybe one, I'd refer to as 'Friend'. I was grouped with five other people and we were given the opportunity to rake leaves and pull weeds out of planters and pick of sticks under some trees. So we got to work, but it got hot and the sun was shining....and the boys weren't working (What a shock!)...and some of the girls were doing what girls do when stupid boys were around (Flirt. Yes, that's all! You people nowadays...) so it was basically me and one other doing most the work. But that was okay because we did it all for Him.

It was a long day of work and sweat and grime. But it was beautiful out. I just wish I woulda lathered on that sunblock.

Also, the second The Summer I Turned Pretty came out yesterday. I friend and I were going to head on over to the Local Bookstore, but alas, we forgot. Yesterday was the Fine Arts Recital!

Hoping to get over to the LB to get It's Not Summer Without You...
As Always.